
Halo Salt Booth Therapy

Infrared Light Therapy

Ionic Foot Detox

Halo salt therapy is a great alternative treatment that involves breathing salty air. This an help treat respiratory conditions, including asthma, chronic bronchitis, and allergies. It has also been found to help ease smoking-related symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, and wheezing), treat depression and anxiety, and cure some skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne.

Infrared light penetrates deep into your body, all the way to the inner layers of your skin, to your muscles, nerves, and bones. IR then boosts local blood circulation, which brings more healing nutrients and pain-relieving components to the area, while promoting a detoxifying sweat. Infrared light therapy is great for pain and inflammation, muscle injuries, detoxing the body, immune health, skin health and appearance, cardiovascular health, better sleep and more!

The ionic foot bath contains water, salt and a small electrical current that produces charged ionic energy that promotes detoxification. The ionic foot detox helps to improve lymph circulation, relieve migraines and headaches, improve skin conditions, increase natural energy levels, improve sleep, strengthen immune system, and relieve muscle/ joint pain and swelling. The ionic foot detox is not just for feet, it is great with hands as well!